Friday, March 15, 2013

#Projectmilf - week 6

Week 6 is upon us, what the what? Time is flying by I tell you. This week is about removing something that will help us on our journey. My biggest downfall has been snacking, I pretty much eat like 2 chocolate chips a day, huh, not good. Well, I have decided to seriously reduce my amount of unhealthy snacks. This is going to be hard to do but I am going to try to stick with it.

As far as updates, I can't believe that I've gained 5lbs since I started this, what???? I am trying to believe that it's all muscles building up under there but man the scale is the biggest discouragement ever. I feel pretty good and I think I am making progress but the scale is not agreeing with me. I am just going to continue to do what I am doing and ignore it.

The hair is trucking along, nothing much to report in that department. I do want to share these pictures from this weekend. I straightened my hair and it was so shiny. BSL is so close, I can taste it.

Hope your goals are going well. Loving that this project is making good strides and keeping us motivated.

This week I am loving that my friend was able to come visit and share with us that she is expecting a bundle of joy. So excited for her and her hubby and form more friends for my boys :)
I am loving that my brother came to visit during the week and got to hang out with the kids
I am loving that Tman always gives his brother lots of kisses before we leave in the morning. This day he called Jbird his bear, too sweet this kid


  1. Wowza, I love your hair, looks amazing.

    I also think you should ignore the scale for a while, don't let it demotivate you cause you are doing so great. And you are inspiring this lady all the way on the otherside of the globe.

    Tman is such an awesome older brother. You are so blessed!

  2. love the last picture. I can tell the pride in Jbird's eyes :)

  3. This is so cute! Love the pics of the boss as always. You and your hubby are so much fun!

  4. Ooh look at your hair...don't focus on the numbers because it can be discouraging...just think about the muscles you are gaining!! Ah the them!!

  5. your hair is soooooo long!!! love it!!
