How sweet is this picture of my mom with some of the grandkids. Look at Jbird hugging his cousin with so much love
Hubby and Tman waiting for the water to come down on them
After the waterpark, we had reservations for lunch with Elmo and his friends
Hi Grover, photo op with a character of course :)
My mom is so awesome, she is so hands on and helpful that she makes traveling with 4 kids such a breeze
Do you love that coordination my sister in law did with her kids as much as I do
This is one of my favorite picture. My friends K and M came with their 3 kids and it was so hard to get everyone in a shot the whole weekend. Somehow we made it work :)
The characters walk around the dining room the entire lunch hour and the kids just loved hugging and greeting them :)
A cookie hug :)
Look at them loving on cookie monster
High five cookie
Oh hi Abbie, my kids were in heaven I tell you
Then there was a dance party, my kids favorite thing to do
Lunch was a great success. As soon as lunch was over, we were out and about again. Check out the kids with their bubble guns
Emilia was pooped at this point. Check her out napping in the stroller
I always tell people that a great stroller is essential when traveling with kids. Look at my happy Bean over there
We went on the carousel at least five times because there were no crowds. I love this picture with the boys on the carousel
Check out Bean and my sis in law chilling
My big boy Tman
Then off to T-Cups we went, don't mind hubby's 'I don't want anymore pictures' face
My mom was riding with her girls
It was rides galore, look at my happy Jbird
We left early to go back to the hotel so that everyone could take a nap. We were planning to come back later for the night parade
Good thing we did because these kids were pooped
A few hours later, we were back for the night parade. It was so beautiful. I am so glad we came back
Oh hi big bird
At some point, the boys joined the night parade
My baby Bean
The husbands here for moral support :)
My little sleepy face Emilia. The whole weekend was definitely too much for her but luckily she can sleep anywhere
The next day we packed our bags to go home. I wanted to stop in Philadelphia to check out the Liberty Bell since it was 4th of July weekend after all. Let me tell you the craziness that was there. We just gave up and went to the Rocky steps intead
Poor Emilia was asleep as usual so we just chilled with the boys
We had the absolute best time at Sesame Place with the kids. They are at the perfect age where they still think it's the best thing ever. I am hoping to take them again next year when Emilia is bigger and can partake in all the fun. Love this family picture with Elmo :)
Thank you for an awesome weekend Sesame Place. We will be back.
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